School Council

School Council

At CLJHS, school councils provide advice to the principal.  Our school council consist of parents, the principal, a teacher, a student representative and other community members at large. The majority of members must be parents, and the chair must be a parent. Principals do not vote on school council decisions.

School councils are governed by Alberta School Councils’ Association which sets out the purpose, membership and election requirements for school councils. 

School councils are responsible for:

  • Sharing information with parents and the community, and seeking their input on matters the council is discussing.
  • Providing advice to the principal on such matters as school year calendars, strategies to improve school performance, codes of conduct and dress, curriculum priorities, safe arrival programs, community use of schools and community programs provided at the school, selection criteria for principals and board policies that will affect the school.
  • Many school councils are also actively involved in organizing social events for the school community and fundraising events.

Council meetings are open to everyone in the community.  It is a great way to keep up with what is happening in the school. You can also contact the school council if you have questions about how to get involved at the school or if you are looking for information from a parent perspective.

Click here for School Council Resource Guide.